OpenGL 3D Game Tutorial 7 Early Access Out Now - Rendering a 3D Cube
The seventh tutorial of OpenGL 3D Game Tutorial Series is finally available in early access!
Sunday 6th February 2022


OpenGL 3D Game | Tutorial 7 | Early Access

The source code of the 7th tutorial of the C++ OpenGL 3D Game Tutorial Series is now available in early access for the Patrons!

In this tutorial we will see how to render our first 3D Cube in OpenGL!

In particular we will see: 

  • how to create the Element Buffer Object in order to optimize the usage of vertices through the so-called indices (like Index Buffer in DirectX)
  • what vertices to use in order to render a 3D Cube
  • how to create a Projection Matrix in such a way we can project 3D vertices from world space to screen space
  • what are texture coordinates and how we can use them to add special effects to the surface of our 3D Cube, like color fading and borders shown in the image above.

The code works on Windows, macOS and Linux!

Here is the link :

I hope you'll enjoy it!
Thank you for all your support!



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